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How to Solve UI UX Problem on My Webpage Design
Im facing with a problem , im going to design the first page of the site and Uiux,
The thing is I cannot solve this problem as this is a brand new idea of mine so it is difficult for me to manage and solve the problem. I mean i c...
Adding option in angularjs ui-multiselect dynamically from http request
My code is:
<ui-select multiple ng-model="multipleDemo.selectedPeople" theme="select2" ng-disabled="disabled" style="width: 800px;">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Select person...">{{$item.name}} <{{$item.email}}&...
Wordpress Theme and Plugin Problem
Wordpress Problem
i am facing this error at time of new theme or new plug in installation
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this servers configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the su...